Nick Begich with colleague, ca. 1971-1972. Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.

Nick Begich with Congressman John Dingell, at the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Office, March 1, 1972.

Nick Begich with Committee Chairman Edward Garmatz, at the Merchant Marines and Fisheries Committee Office, March 1, 1972.

Nick Begich with Frank Peterson of Aniak, Alaska, recipient of the Yale Fellowship, 1971. Photo by Dev O'Neill.

Nick Begich with Alaska's 1971 Spelling Bee Champion, Douglas Edwards of Anchorage, in his House Office, June 8, 1971. Looking on is Douglas's father, Major Oakley Edwards. Photo by Dev O'Neill.

Nick Begich with House Speaker Carl Albert, ca. 1971-1972. Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.

Nick Begich with Al Kessler, President of the Tanana Chiefs Conference, the traditional tribal consortium of the 42 villages of Interior Alaska, ca. 1971-1972. Photo by Dev O'Neill.

Former Anchorage City Councilman and Borough Assembly Member Joe Josephson speaking at the Nick Begich Memorial Tribute Service and Reception. Also includes Gene Guess and Emil Notti (back, far right.) Anchorage, Alaska, January 7, 1973. Photo by Robert Musgrave.

Nick Begich with former vice president and US Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman John Blatnik, ca. 1971-1972, Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.

Group portrait of Nick Begich with his congressional staff in Washington, including Board Members Carole Fuller, Milton Fredericks, and Guy Martin. Also including David Alexander, Dottie Richrow, Judy Manion, Mary Louise Fonce, and Chief of Staff Eugene Kennedy at right, ca. 1971.

Nick Begich speaking with colleague during a Parks Subcommittee hearing in Washington, ca. 1971-1972.

Nick Begich with boys viewing display case in Ketchikan, Nov. 20, 1971. Ketchikan congressional office photo.

Campaign photo of Nick Begich speaking with Alaska Native leader Mike Alex, at Eklutna, Alaska, ca. 1962.

Group portrait of Governor Egan, Sen. Nick Begich and others at the signing of the Alaska Human Rights Act, ca. 1963-1966.

Group photo of Anchorage Daily Times, Alaskan of the Year nominees, March 31, 1973. Anchorage Daily Times photo.

Nick Begich and House Public Works Committee Chairman John Blatnik examine a map in his office. Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.

Nick Begich with House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, ca. 1971-1972. Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.

Nick Begich speaking with former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Democratic Study Group. The DSG is a liberal legislative service organization in the House of Representatives founded in the early 1960s. Photo by Michael J. Molony.