Past Recipients

Between 1978-2012, the Nick Begich Scholarship Intern Fund supported 332 Alaskans in their post secondary education and internship placements. The Fund has tracked down nearly 220 past recipients. We discovered that over 150 of Fund recipients went into education as a profession.  Many others chose roles in public service and the non-profit sector. Some have raised marvelous families while others have quietly pursued the betterment of our communities.

Recipients have lived and served in countries across the globe. One past recipient lives in Turkey, another teaches in Switzerland. One did ground breaking work in Africa and Israel, another is in Laos today working to improve our world. Some are teachers here in Alaska – in Petersburg and Anchorage, Juneau and the Mat Valley, Fairbanks and Sitka, Wrangell, McGrath, Kenai and communities across the state. Some recipients have gone on to work for the Red Cross, the University of Alaska or non profits like the Gates Foundation, Anchorage Parks or SEARHC.

Past Scholars

Past Interns/Fellows